December 31, 2012

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year! Let's make 2013 the best year ever ;-)
Here is some photo inspiration to kick off the year of 2013

All photos found on weheartit

December 23, 2012

Get into the Christmas Spirit

If you have not yet gotten into the Christmas or holiday spirit, we can suggest for you to try the Hot Wine (or maybe better known as Mulled wine or Glogg) to help you get the right "feeling".

Photo courtesy of Cherokee Billie

They usually serve hot wine at most restaurants and cafe's in the city center of Podgorica, and it is well worth taking your loved one('s) out for a cosy warm treat. 

Photo courtesy of Lorie W- The Kitchenarian

It is time to get into the Christmas or holiday spirit! We hope you enjoy the seasonal holiday with your loved ones. See you for New Year's!

December 18, 2012

DIY Jar Lantern & Gold/Silver Pomegranates

Yes, you can have a DIY Christmas in Podgorica!  We have been in a holiday"crafty" mood ever since the weather in Montenegro turned chilly.  A few weeks ago when we were searching for material for our advent calendar we also picked some extra supplies for some for home made Christmas decorations. These DIY crafts are extremely easy and quick to make. 

1.  Lantern:


    glass jar    pliable wire     spray paint

We found the glass jars and pliable wire at and Spray paint at Kips

Spray paint the empty jars white  (you can, of course, experiment with different colours). 

Cut 2 pieces of wire the circumference of your jar.  

Twist them together and secure around the top of jar.  

Cut 2 more pieces for the handle (you decide on length).

Twist these pieces together and tie to the wire you first attached around the jar.  Our wire is quite thick but looks great with thinner wire as well.  

How easy and cute are these?

2. Painted Pomegranates:


pomegranates  &  gold and silver spray paint

Pomegranates can be found at local grocery stores

December 09, 2012

Christmas Shopping

After days of rain, the sun finally popped out showing a fresh dusting of snow on the mountains.  It was a perfect day to get out and do a little Christmas shopping.  We decided to head down to the Porto Montenegro on the coast near Tivat in search of some unique gifts. Here are some of the cute shops we hit while out and about: 

Noe & Zoe is a beautiful and whimsical store with unique prints and simple shapes. We found the perfect gifts for our kids in this shop. Our favorite purchases are the prince/princess crown, pink tutu with layers of stars underneath, and a soft pillow in the shape of a whale.

Supermarket is the perfect shop for all things unique. We loved this store in Belgrade and were so excited when it came to Montenegro. The shop is a bit smaller though still filled with special items.  It is really hard not to buy when in this store.  

December 06, 2012

Advent Calendar

What's Christmas without an advent calendar?  We have not been able to find a calendar in Podgorica so we decided to make one ourselves.  The problem being - there is not a single one-stop-shop to find craft materials...or at least we have not been able to locate one.  It took a long time to find supplies but here is our version of an advent calendar made in Podgorica and what you will need to make:

clothes pegs
washi tape

Our journey in search of materials lead us to KIPS (clothes pegs), Kalija (string), Supermarket (washi tape), Pan Expert Bakery (brown paper bags; the bakery was very kind to support our DIY project), from Canada: stamps (ok, sorry we had to cheat a little bit....:-)).

Have you made your calendar yet? If not, remember to have fun, be creative and enjoy the season! Do you have other traditions for this holiday season?  We would love to hear.

December 05, 2012

Christmas Tree

We are very excited, because We Found Christmas Trees for sale in Podgorica! After looking around and almost giving up, we finally found a place that sells you the real christmas tree (if you want the plastic trees in different colours they can easily be found...).

We found the real deal in a gardening-centre called Kalija, located 7km from Podgorica on the way to the airport on the left hand side after passing KIPS (the big yellow building). They also had a cute little selection of small stuff that can come quite handy for some crafts projects. Good to know, right?